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You Have Done It Before & You Can Do It Again

So this is my first ever blog please bear with me on this.

I have to say that losing weight is so much harder than putting it on. You actually have to do things like eat well and exercise the same thing as most of the world does everyday.

There are very few of us who can get away with doing nothing and keep the same weight or eat as much as they want and not gain a pound.

What I have learnt is that most of us if we see a piece of chocolate then we can already feel the weight going on. I am very much one of those people.

So in April 2015 I started my weight loss and getting healthy journey which I am still on and will be on for a very long time to come. It is a life decision to do this. I lost 7 1/2 stone by December 2015 and then the weight loss stopped.

The healthy running continued and I completed 3 half marathons and about 6 10km running races. I was not that worried about the weight loss at this point as I was running well and enjoying life. However I decided to try and go for a marathon run in September and things started to go a bit odd in my life.

I started following a training plan and eating the same food as before however I had cut down my running because I was running to a plan rather than just going out running for fun. While out running one Sunday afternoon I tripped over and really hurt my shoulder and knee was a bit smashed in and hurt lots too. Like every other runner I know you just think you fell over and get up and rest for a day or so and carry on with the plan.

I then went out the following Sunday on a shorter run and managed to fall over twice so really hurt myself and had to take a few days off. This lead to a few weeks as I couldn't run as it hurt to walk generally.

I put back on 2 stone of my loss and this is where we came to the most mind bending line that anyone can use when you say I have put on weight as it leads your brain into a false sense of security "You have done it before and you can do it again".

Although it is a great thing to hear for someone it doesn't do great things to the brain as your mind has been so focused on losing the weight and is probably a bit annoyed with yourself for gaining the weight then someone in essence says to you it will be alright your brain and stops caring that you have gained the weight. Then it moves into a bit of a spiral as it starts repeating what it has heard. "You have done it before and you can do it again". I heard this after gaining 1 stone. My brain worked it and kept repeating it and 2 stone down the line I and still trying to get my brain back on track.

So in short I know it is meant in the nicest possible way but as complicated as the brain is mine is not helped by this statement. I am not sure what the right answer would be for someone who is gaining weight but it is all about thinking what you say to people at the right time. All I can say is don't offer the words "you have done it before and you can do it again" as much as I love you it is not the right wording to use.

Thank you for your time and the more blogs I do the better I will get at this.

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